We’re happy to announce the most recent qualifiers of our Global Growth Bonus, a testimony to hard work and commitment! These Distribution Partners have innovated and implemented amazing actions to bring new members to their teams and kept them engaged with a system that works.

Flores Choque de Checa, Roberta Amary
Martinez Fiscoya de Mamani, Celestina
Ventura Leva, Damacio
Teran Araoz, Niceforo Alejandro
Pena, Anuar
Torres, Santos C
Sanchez, Abraham
Carmona, Beatriz
Urban, Lizhet
Ruíz, Jorge J
Salazar, Nathan
Torres, Maribel
Becerra, Roberto
Torres, Telesforo
Kange, Pauline
Pena Flores, Maricela
Gonzalez, Angelica
Flores, Areli
Lopez, Marisol
Gyulai, Szilveszter
Marta Pozsgai
Némethné Gulyás, Judit
Ouanlasy, Manithong
Rack, Olaf Georg
Chatree Jarutawai
Blanco, Barbara
Cuevas, Fulgencia

Keep your prospecting game up and aim for the next cycle!

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